How to stay calm when you know you’ll be stressed
You're not at your best when you're stressed. In fact, your brain…

Is Miliband morphing into Blair? A voice coach writes …
Click here to read an article by Luan de Burgh which appeared…

Alex Aldridge wrote about the de Burgh Group’s legal seminar in The Guardian
Alex Aldridge wrote about the de Burgh Group's legal seminar in…

“Social Media” making sure it doesn’t ruin your career
Making sure it doesn't ruin your career The Lawyer

“Networking Skills”
Networking Skills in The Lawyer
There are certain…

“Dynamic Impressions” – An article on public speaking in The Lawyer
"Dynamic Impressions" - click here to read an article on public…

It’s the little things that matter…
Nigel Marsh is the author of Fat, Forty and Fired, Overworked…

What motivates us to work?
In two fascinating experiments Dan Ariely explores what motivates…

Being a Trusted Adviser
“You can make more friends in two months by being interested…

The Dread of Public Speaking
Many people dread public speaking - Megan Washington has good…

The importance of getting outside
Outside is where the meat of our life lies.
Serial explorer Ben…

Leaders – Inspiration and Trust
How do great leaders inspire action and make you feel safe

Breaking Through to the next Level of Leadership
“First rule of leadership – everything is your fault.”

Diversity unites us
What is it like to raise a child who's different from you in…

The 2015 Leaders’ Debate
For the frist time in British general election history, 7 party…