Why Politicians’ Rhetoric Turns Off Audiences
Should we feel sorry for politicians? Things used to be so much…

Applying Storytelling Techniques for Leaders and Mentors
I have dealt previously with common storytelling themes and the…

What is the Essential Criteria for Great Storytelling?
I was recently at an event where I was giving a talk about the…

5 Compelling Storytelling Themes to Make an Impression
As the summer holiday season arrives, I am reminded that once…

Making the Most of Power Words in Your Vocabulary
Are you looking for a proven way to influence your audience and…

Avoid the Cliché of Bad Metaphors and Clichés
You know what they say about business… the key to getting your…

How to Be Present When You Have Nothing to Say
I have often written about the need to find your natural voice…

Speaking into the Void – How to Interact With a Faceless Audience
I am fairly confident in claiming that all of my readers will…

What Does Your Client Really Do?
Hands up if you know what your client does? Yes it may sound…

How To Present Effectively For a Hybrid Event
It wasn’t too long ago that the mention of the term ‘hybrid…

Time to Re-focus on Keeping Up Screen Appearances
Remember back in the early days of the pandemic when remote working…