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What chickens can tell us about social cohesion

‘Organizations are often run according to “the superchicken model,” where the value is placed on star employees who outperform others. And yet, this isn’t what drives the most high-achieving teams. Business leader Margaret Heffernan observes that it is social cohesion — built every coffee break, every time one team member asks another for help — […]

The Commuters Comfort Zone

January has not been a good month for thousands of commuters. With strikes by London Underground staff paralysing inner city travelling in the capital and rail strikes on networks in the south and north of the country, rail passengers have had much to be glum about. Adding insult to injury even the sky commute has […]

The Power of Introverts

In this extremely engaging and entertaining talk, former corporate lawyer Susan Cain explains how it is not just those who shout loudest who have power. In a culture where being social and outgoing are prized above all else, it can be difficult, even shameful, to be an introvert. But introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities […]

Your Body Language and You

Amy Cuddy has helped people all over the world to demonstrate confidence and be show themselves in their best light in what she said in this TED talk and for that reason alone it is worth joining the millions who have watched it.

Resolution: Be a More Effective Presenter in 2017

Going back to work after the Christmas break is a struggle we all know very well. The short days make it seem as though we are rousing from our slumber in the middle of the night, the daily commute is haunted by pasty faces and the sounds of winter coughs and sniffles and we are […]

5 ways to listen better

The art of conversation is being replaced by personal broadcasting.  We are becoming desensitised and it is harder for us to pay attention to the quiet.  Our attention spans are becoming shorter and this is a dangerous thing from a communication point of view.  We all need to improve the quality of our listening and […]

What do you want for Christmas this year?

Here at the de Burgh Group we are closing the appointments diary for the year and preparing to take a break for the Christmas period. It is time to relax a little with our families after a very busy year and I for one am looking forward to slipping into a Yuletide routine which will […]

Why we should talk to strangers

This isn’t as alarming as at first it appears.  We speak to strangers most days if you think about it.  How else do we actually get on with our lives, our businesses and our journey if we don’t? ‘Kio Stark has always talked to strangers. She started documenting her experiences when she realized that not everyone […]

Networking on a Plane

Over the past two months I have been a guest speaker at events in the US, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Europe and spent quite a few hours sitting on planes in the process of getting from one to the other. I always board a flight with the best intentions of using my time to […]

What ‘The Apprentice’ can teach us NOT to do in business

Clueless recruits fluffing their tasks and vying for the attention of the boss, unscripted snipes and asides, fireworks in the boardroom and car crash TV appeal to the masses…. No, it’s not the Brexit process we’re talking about, but season 12 of The Apprentice (UK). The Apprentice is a BBC staple for the Autumn season, […]

Luan de Burgh speaking in Hong Kong

Luan de Burgh is currently in Hong Kong speaking on ‘Using your Voice Effectively’ to various international law firms and via video link in Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai and Singapore.

Why ordinary people need to understand power

According to Eric Liu, far too many Americans are illiterate in power — what it is, how it operates and why some people have it. As a result, those few who do understand power wield disproportionate influence over everyone else. “We need to make civics sexy again,” says civics educator Eric Liu. “As sexy as […]

What can Donald Trump teach us about Speechmaking?

Halloween is just around the corner… which means that the 2016 US presidential election is a little bit further round the corner than that. On Tuesday, November 8th, the USA goes to the polls and the prospect of Donald Trump becoming officially the most powerful man in the world is something of a Halloween nightmare […]