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Telephone Etiquette in a Smart Phone Age

Once upon a time we were shown a vision of the future in popular culture that featured amazing gadgetry which would revolutionize the way we communicated. The visionaries portrayed a world where the wrist watch would be transformed into the ultimate tool of modern life. Of course, this did not come to pass (although Apple […]

How do we want to be connected?

Drawn by the illusion of companionship without the demands of intimacy, we confuse postings and online sharing with authentic communication.  As we expect more from technology, do we expect less from each other? Sherry Turkle studies how our devices and online personas are redefining human connection and communication — and asks us to think deeply […]

The Art of Small Talk in Business

In the business world, the devil is far too often in the detail. This doesn’t just extend to the practicalities of the deal, but in actually getting the deal itself. As every businessman knows, the clincher is often in the result of a connection with a peer that smoothes the act of getting the business […]

Managing Talent: From University to the Workplace

On the flipside, this September sees a fresh batch of university graduates beginning their careers. It can be an anxious time for some, as the reality of the workplace kicks in. While a university education is estimated to add £100,000 to a graduate’s earning power over a lifetime, student debt levels are estimated to be […]

Luan de Burgh speaking in Australasia

Luan de Burgh is currently visiting Australia and New Zealand speaking at 25 events in 7 cities to a wide range of audiences on a number of key topics including Authenticity, Leadership and Storytelling.

Why we laugh

Did you know that you’re 30 times more likely to laugh if you’re with somebody else than if you’re alone? Cognitive neuroscientist Sophie Scott shares this and other surprising facts about laughter in this fast-paced, action-packed and, yes, hilarious dash through the science of cracking up. As deputy director of the University College London’s Institute […]

The Importance of Eye Contact

Some people are quite happy to do it while others find it uncomfortable, and some people just don’t know when to stop. How about you? Do you do eye contact? Much has been written about the importance of the eyes when it comes to body language. Without saying a word, the eyes can convey a […]

3 Tips to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

What are you scared of? We are all scared of something. Often it’s the obvious fears that bedevil us, such as spiders, rats or… contemporary dance. However, some people have very unique fears that are the stuff of their nightmares – Omphalophobia, the fear of navels, comes to mind, as does Somniphobia, the fear of […]

How to have a good idea

How do creative people come up with great ideas? Organizational psychologist Adam Grant studies “originals”: thinkers who dream up new ideas and take action to put them into the world. In this talk, learn three unexpected habits of originals — including embracing failure. “The greatest originals are the ones who fail the most, because they’re […]

Anecdotal evidence points to the effectiveness of anecdotes

I’d like to tell you a short story about failure. It centres around a young boy who struggled at school and was aged seven before he could read or write. Teachers would later say that the boy even struggled to remember his own address or telephone number (and this was in the days before the […]

Theresa May’s robust rhetoric

Stephen Fry once described it as being a bit like ice dancing – you know it’s a great move but have no idea what it’s called.  It’s the same with rhetoric – it sounds good to listen to when done well but only those with a mild obsession with these things actually know what each […]

Do the English really mean what they say?

Holiday season will soon be upon us and yet again thousands of Brits will find themselves trying to remember smatterings of school language lessons in order to converse with the locals. Many will return home vowing to take up a foreign language, but those vows are likely to disappear once the memory of the holiday […]

The relationship between creative thinking and play

Tim Brown is the CEO of innovation and design firm IDEO, taking an approach to design that digs deeper than the surface.  IDEO is the kind of firm that companies turn to when they want a top-down rethink of a business or product — from fast food conglomerates to high-tech startups, hospitals to universities. In […]

Standing up for democracy

There is no doubt that Boris Johnson is a man in continual search of an even bigger platform and last night at Wembley was certainly that. A stage more used to the likes of Black Sabbath and Beyonce witnessed the rather grandly self-styled BBC ‘Great Debate’. Regardless of personal politics, regardless of ‘Brexit’ or ‘Bremain’, regardless of opinion […]