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Avoid the Cliché of Bad Metaphors and Clichés

You know what they say about business… the key to getting your stones in the house is to have a skip who knows the rub of the sheet! If that makes any sense to you then you are a reader who certainly knows their sweep from their LSD.  For those who are still bemused, the […]

How to Be Present When You Have Nothing to Say

I have often written about the need to find your natural voice in meetings, pitches and presentations. However, there are some occasions which are not about taking a leading speaking role and so this article considers the importance of being present even if you don’t have the lion’s share of the script. In business, aptitude […]

Speaking into the Void – How to Interact With a Faceless Audience

I am fairly confident in claiming that all of my readers will have engaged in some form of online performance whether that be via conference calls, Zoom/Teams/Meet pitches or comprehensive presentations to clients and wider audiences. This month I’ll look at that ever-present fear of engaging an audience we can’t see – or to put […]

What Does Your Client Really Do?

Hands up if you know what your client does? Yes it may sound like an obvious question. Of course you know what your client does. You’ve got an inbox full of correspondence and work briefs to attest to the fact. You’ve been working with them for X amount of years and you’ve always got along […]

How To Present Effectively For a Hybrid Event

It wasn’t too long ago that the mention of the term ‘hybrid event’ would have caused the majority of people to either a) stare blankly b) wrinkle their nose up at the concept or c) head for Google. It’s funny how predictions of the future can suddenly arrive into your life with a bang rather […]

Time to Re-focus on Keeping Up Screen Appearances

Remember back in the early days of the pandemic when remote working suddenly became ‘a thing’ and how we embraced the change or struggled to adapt (and more likely a bit of both). Two years on, screen meetings are very much the norm, but have we become too used to them, resulting in increasingly sloppy […]

Listen to What Your Client is Actually Saying

I have recently taken a step into unknown territory.  I’ve written to my Member of Parliament to give voice to something that I believe really matters and which I feel is lacking in politics generally.  For information, I refer to the broad umbrella of integrity. The topic of my grumble, however, is not really as […]

How to Make a Compelling Podcast With Uncompelling Material

The Shrink Next Door, Louis Theroux, Andrew Huberman, Emma Chamberlain and Joe Rogan. If any of these names ring a bell then it is quite likely that you are one of 16 million listeners in the UK who regularly listens to a podcast. So what is the secret of a compelling podcast? While video may […]

Did Stories Exist Before the Smartphone Scroll?

Ever get the feeling you’re trapped in a bad news cycle? Unfortunately, it feels like it’s very hard to escape from these days, as our news feeds pitch us from one crisis to the next with algorithmic glee. And of course we find it very hard to resist the temptation to click. We all know […]

Why Every Panel Needs a Good Host and 5 Key Tips

As we emerge from the summer holidays this is traditionally the start of the conference season. Online conferences and panels have their moments but I am probably not alone in looking forward to going ‘live’ again as we emerge from the pandemic. It’s almost as if the enforced stay away has allowed people to take […]