Why a Great Sense of Humour Comes in Threes

If you are a resident of the British isles, there’s every chance…

How To Do Anecdotes in Video Meetings

Regular readers will be aware of my embrace of storytelling in…

Don’t Do Small Talk? I Can’t Wait!

Spring is a wondrous time of year. Almost on a daily basis come…

Using Video: Why Your Chair Matters!

Last month I gave some tips on how to improve your video presentation,…

Simple Tips to Improve Your Video Presentation

How is your on-screen persona these days? Are you a smouldering…

Lockdown Breathing to Unlock Stress

It’s about this time of year that I will usually opine some…

Breathe Like You Mean Business

Breathe Like You Mean Business It’s something that we all…

Do You Have a Problem With Splitting Focus? Probably.

Do you have a problem with splitting your focus? No, not applicable…

Learn From Radio to Boost Your On-Screen Presence

In the children’s classic book, one of the unfortunate brats…

The Importance of Striking the Right Tone

Do you ever stop to think about how your voice sounds? I don’t…

Don’t Stress the Zoom Blank Face

Once upon a time it used to be said that the eyes were the window…

Star Quality. Can it be Made?

There is a moment in the 1980s movie Thelma and Louise when a…

Working with time and not for it

My question this month is ‘how do you spend your day?’ As…

Digital Fatigue Strikes in Lockdown Zoom World

In 1986 something happened to television in the UK. It went from…

Have You Adjusted Your Video Mode?

“Meetings are indispensable when you don't want to do anything,”…