Why Presentation Rehearsal Makes Sense
Think you’re good enough to roll up to the podium, or take…

Time to Tear up the Script?
The opposite of spontaneity is rigidity. It's how most of us…

Make sure your audience understands you
When did you first hear the word ‘prorogue’? While the occasion…

Rehearse Now, Present Effectively later
Once asked about how he prepared for a film role, Daniel Day-Lewis…

Beware the Pitfalls of Spontaneity
All it takes is a few seconds. One-time Labour leader, Neil Kinnock…

So, Um, Er Stop! Avoiding common presentation pitfalls
“SO! Before I begin, I'd like to start today by saying thanks…

Harnessing the power of language
A fact about the South American country of Suriname – the lingua…

Effective Presentation? Sometimes, Less is More…
“Do you have any tips for improving slide presentations?”…

A Good Technical Presentation. Is it Possible?
Hello, good morning and welcome to my technical presentation.…

Believing in What You Say
It's crunch time for Theresa May and her Brexit vision this week…

Find Your Edge For Optimum Presentation
I have often written on here about the need to prepare for an…

The Secret to a Good Theresa May Speech
Theresa May is back in action at the Tory party conference this…

Making a Fortune From Public Speaking
Motivational speaking is a real skill and I recommend watching…

Small Talk Tips for Holiday Parties
Summertime and the livin' is easy... at least according to the…

Brexit. Give to us straight!
Social media loves the sort of meme that shows a group of photos…